Full Moon The Full Moon of Lammas (cross-quarters) occurs on August 3rd with a very tense chart, especially in Washington, DC. With the Sun in royal Leo and Moon in aloof Aquarius, the tribal togetherness and earthiness of last month’s Cancer lunations are now being overshadowed by attitudes of arrogance and privilege among the elite…
BLOG: What is an Aries Point?
When dealing with Sacred Geometry, the simplest, most-singular formation is the circle (in planar geometry) or the sphere (in 3D) ranging from a dot to a whole planet. It is often divided into quarters or quadrants, which looks like a cross in the middle of a circle, or an orange broken into 4 equal segments…
BLOG: The Pandemic of 2019-2020
A global pandemic reveals the toxic nature of our world as it has developed. This societal “pause” that includes sheltering-in-place and self-quarantining, is offering us an opportunity for deep transformation (Pluto) and rebuilding (Saturn), but with a more expansive vision (Jupiter) of who we are and how we want to create a renewed society that…