There is an awareness growing among people that we (Humanity here on Earth) are part of a larger Universal experiment that includes interaction with other Galactic Beings. In some cases, often unbeknownst to us, we ARE some of those Beings.
The spark of life within each of us is part of a larger “Source” energy that created All That Is. The differences that seem to separate us along ideological, racial, gender, cultural and religious lines, are just illusions that present us with the lessons we need to help us balance our accumulated karma, which arose from misunderstandings and poor choices made in the past. As we notice our foibles, mistakes and character flaws, and we sincerely try to improve ourselves by correcting those irritating patterns of behavior and unhealthy habits, we gradually raise our vibrational frequency while expanding our self-awareness.
It turns out that several versions of the Earth Experiment of fostering human evolution within a beautiful natural world of abundant resources has failed several times, often leading to planetary destruction. This is what happened with Atlantis and Lemuria, two great civilizations in Earth’s ancient history that destroyed each other and their entire continents. At Other times virtually all life was wiped out, but the Earth survived and eventually recovered.
Through metaphysical teachings, channelings, past-life memories, meditations, dreams and spiritual practices some of us have been shown that our personal origins include living on other worlds, and in some cases, even on spaceships.
Starseeds are being born
These Starseeds were and are being born into the human experiences of 3rd dimensional Earth, having forgotten where they came from or what they came here to do. During the reincarnational process, all is forgotten, including memories of having lived many lifetimes, some on different planets, some at different dimensional frequencies. With the plethora of wisdom practices in today’s world, many of us are having memories seep through into consciousness that, although disorienting at first, can eventually help us wake up to memories of past lives and life beyond Earth.
We are the Starseeds. Some of us are a bit confused as to why we feel so out-of-place or different from our peers in sometimes subtle ways. Some of us long for a “home” we can not find here on Earth and may go through periods when we feel so out-of-place that we want to take our own lives in suicide. Many of us have abandonment issues because we feel abandoned by Spirit, forgetting that we actually volunteered to come here at this critical time to help flood the Earth with Light and Love. Some Starseeds need medication because they can’t put the pieces together enough to feel alright about who they are or about being here at all. They feel lost.
It’s not easy for Light Beings connected to “All That Is” to be born into a dense and restrictive physical body in a world where the forces of cruelty, greed, power-mongering rule and control over others, where people have lost their connection to Spirit, and where arrogance and ignorance are destroying the very planet that sustains them. For a considerable period of time, while adjusting to such realizations, Starseeds may feel lost and disoriented, trying out a variety of behaviors and belief structures, looking for one that will help them adjust and to become comfortable in this imperfect world.
As memories arise and clarify, and perceptions deepen, the Starseeds are waking up. Souls coming in as new babies are carrying more light and self-awareness, waking up ever-earlier so that they can contribute in more conscious ways to this Human Experiment. The goal is to balance the looming darkness with Love and Light, triggering more consciousness among Starseeds and Earthlings alike, so that we can evolve and move onto the new 5th dimensional Earth that we are creating in coordination with other High Beings, many of extraterrestrial origin. In order to succeed in this Mission, it is important for YOU to wake up, and then to help others WAKE UP! We came here to Earth with a Mission to fulfill. There are discoveries to be made and work to be done, so shake the stupor out of your weary eyes and realize that we all are on the brink of a Golden Age. And we are the Ones we have been waiting for to build that Grand New World. So let’s clean up this troubled world and get on with our Mission!