Astrocartography is the ASTROLOGY OF LOCATION. Where you were born makes all the difference in the world, and when you move over 100 miles in any direction, your chart will be at least somewhat altered by your new location, depending on latitude and longitude. North-South relocations vary somewhat, but East-West moves register MUCH bigger changes in the relocated chart. Therefore moving several hundred miles north may not change your situation significantly, although there will be some minor changes, but moving several hundred miles East or West can make a big difference. When the relocated Midheaven or Ascendant changes sign, this too can have a significant effect, for better or worse.
A RELOCATED chart can be drawn for your new location, and the longer you remain there, the more the changes to your birth chart will be felt, although your Natal Chart and its aspects remains the foundation upon which All your Astrology rests. You can often improve on your Natal chart by moving, but you can also add complications if you are not careful. Your planets may shift into different houses (houses represent areas of focus, such as career, family, relationships, etc.) which can change how they are impacting your life, and they may form new aspects with the Angles of the chart, of which the Ascendant and Midheaven are the most significant. When planets are close to one of the 4 Angles in a natal Astrology chart, they are activated according to the nature of the Angle, as well as any aspects to it.
THE ANGLES: Astrocartography was developed because certain Astrologers, like Michel Gauquelin, discovered that planets acted more intensely when they were close to specific Angles in the Astrological chart.
Through using statistical analysis of the charts of famous athletes, “The Mars Effect” followed by the “Jupiter Effect” were the initial discoveries Gauquelin made, while further mapping research into other planetary placements relative to the Angles were led by Jim Lewis. He developed computer programs to do the hard mathematical work so Astrologers today can analyze any location in the world by using his “Astro*Carto*Graphy” maps and software to visually chart planetary positions on the Angles of the astrological chart being examined. He pioneered a whole new branch of Astrology, the Astrology of Location called Astrocartography.
An Astrocartography Map shows where each planet in a particular chart is on each of the 4 Angles. The value of such Astrocartography Maps is that they show areas where each planet is especially strong. Depending on the emphasis in the chart being studied, such a placement can either improve ones prospects in the area of focus described by the Angle affected, or it can debilitate its expression if natal aspects indicate such an effect.
Consider a chart with favorable natal aspects to Mars, which is predisposed to positive expressions of physical prowess, such as physical health, speedy action, sports, warrior qualities, yoga, sexual potency and personal power. Such a Mars close to the Midheaven in a relocated chart may help one be forceful in moving up the career ladder, achieving public accomplishments, or experiencing improvements to one’s reputation in the eyes of the world.
In contrast a negatively-aspected Mars aligned with a relocated Midheaven could lead to a public downfall, a loss of reputation through scandal, or an inability to progress professionally because one is considered a hot-head, makes rash decisions, doesn’t work well with others, or is perpetually angry. In such cases, one might be better off NOT moving to where a “negative” Mars is on an Angle. To discern whether the placement of a planet on an Angle will be an improvement, one needs to examine the aspects and conditions of said planet in the natal chart. Do not just assume that planets on Angles are always positive. Such positions strengthen the natural tendencies expressed in the Natal Chart, FOR GOOD OR ILL.
The Angles of a chart
The Ascendant, the Dawn point of your chart, is the cusp of the first house, which refers to the self, personal growth, how you carry yourself and how others perceive you. Planets here suggest some of your personal characteristics. Having the Sun in the first house usually marks a happy, out-going, well-liked person. Venus on the Ascendant is a sign of beauty, while Neptune here can add a mystique that may appear glamorous and alluring, but could also be deceptive, especially when Neptune falls in the first house. When in the 12th house, it may make the individual feel completely “invisible” however. The sign on the cusp of the first house, also called your Rising Sign, reveals alot about your personality.
The IC (or Imun Coeli in Latin) is the lowest and Midnight point of the chart, and is the cusp of the 4th house, the house of family and domestic matters, how you were raised as a small child, and what your family life was like during childhood. A planet here can refer to a parent – mother or father, although Astrologers disagree on which one. It says alot about the sort of place in which you are comfortable living and whether you are a private or a more public person. Planets close to the IC reflect your innermost issues and can reveal secrets. Venus here tells of a loving, social and probably affluent early home life, while Saturn indicates a stern parent or difficult upbringing, Neptune here suggests unknowns around your origins, such as with adoption. Mars here means you probably moved alot as a child, Uranus can indicate foreign upbringing or unusual parentage, and Pluto close to the IC in the 4th house can indicate some disaster or that there was possible abuse during childhood.
The Descendant marks Dusk and is the cusp of the 7th house, the house of others, especially important relationships like marriages or business partners. The nature of the sign on the cusp reflects how you approach others, as well as their response to your attempts to connect. Fire signs on the Descendant (that’s Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) tend to passionately pursue others, while Air signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) want to chat and communicate on an intellectual level. Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) go with their feelings and want some cuddling, while Earth signs tend to hold back until they are sure of themselves or wait to be approached by others first.
The Midheaven at the top of the chart represents “high noon” and is the most public place in the chart. It usually refers to your career focus or the direction of your life’s path (which is not always work-related). It’s very helpful to have trines, sextiles and conjunctions to the Midheaven from helpful planets like Sun, Mercury, Venus or Jupiter, whether natal or relocated, which can help further your career. These facilitate success, while Saturn means that you may have to work long and hard with little recognition before success is finally achieved. Uranus here means lots of changes or travels, possible innovation or alternative means of achieving success, or heavy use of technology in your career.