As September begins, 7 out of the 10 planets of the zodiac are in earth signs, and within days 7 planets will be in mutable signs. Jupiter remains conjunct “the Great Attractor”, a GIANT black hole near the center of our galaxy that draws everything to it. Use these alignments to focus your goals and dreams into manifestation.
Earth Focus
Earth signs are considered practical, methodical, hard-working, detail-oriented, thorough and dependable. Work gets accomplished, plans get executed, and projects are finally completed, although only after considerable delay due to a nearly-stationary Saturn with its tendency to block, slow-down, or obstruct. This may feel like slogging through the grit for a few weeks, but slow and steady progress can be made.
Back-to-the-land movements that focus on sustainability, alternative building, growing food, energy-efficiency, cooperative living and home-schooling should get a boost this month because corporate food is poisoning us, pollution is weakening our resistance to disease, our healthcare is in turmoil, our environment is increasingly toxic, public spaces aren’t safe from guns, and our government is lying to us. So it’s important to work at the LOCAL level to become more self-sufficient. Isn’t that why many of us came to Crestone in the first place?
Despite Earth being a perfect planet for human life, we have trashed our home, injected her with fracking chemicals, sucked out her blood (oil), paved over vast landscapes, dammed and redirected rushing rivers, and squandered our water resources. Now we are reaping the consequences of our unconscious behavior and greed. Humans have upset Earth’s balance, and now that Uranus is retrograde, it’s turning its energy inward – earthward – which could signal a possible period of seismic activity this fall. Pressure continues to build along tectonic plates scraping against each other, causing earthquakes, especially while Uranus is in Taurus (into 2026). So expect climate change discussions to increase this month as extreme weather swirls.
Greater Earth consciousness is needed if we are to survive this human experiment, so appreciate and care for the Earth!
Mutable Focus
Mutable signs are all about getting along with others, so reconciliation IS possible. “Mutables” also bend us to the will of others, making it harder to stand up and speak out – for fear of backlash or ostracism. Therefore, be sure you are not being coerced onto someone else’s path. “Go with the flow” for some smooth transitions.
The large asteroid Ceres reaches extreme declination this month(through February). Ceres is about mothering, nurturing, self-care and gardening. As “Goddess of the Harvest”, she both conjuncts and parallels high dec Jupiter, which amplifies that “extreme” effect. Ceres warns that weather situations – rain, wind, fire, floods, transportation disruptions and freezes – may ruin crops this fall, further debilitating tariff-stressed farmers. Sad.
Full Moon
Mars conjuncts Sun during the Harvest Full Moon around midnight on Friday the 13th so you may feel like dancing, although you may run low on energy due to Neptune opposing the Moon, which can make you feel discouraged, emotionally debilitated, or inadequate to face life’s demands. Misunderstandings, deception and devious plans are also afoot this Full Moon, so “look before you leap”.
Fall Equinox
The Sun enters Libra on the Fall Equinox September 23rd which sets the tone for the next 3-6 months. In DC and the East Coast there is an intense Grand Trine to the Midheaven from a Mars/Pluto trine, which stimulates ambitions while creatively transforming the world. Long-term objectives, requiring sustained effort, offer an opportunity for positive developments. Let’s hope Congress directs this energy toward restoring sanity and function in government. But strict partisanship is likely to continue due to a strong T-square from the Nodes/Saturn to Venus/Mercury. Just “getting along” may become extremely difficult.
Trump’s Progressed New Moon
A personal Progressed New Moon represents a major shift, or a new phase in life, covering 30-odd years. This month Donald Trump will experience his second Progressed New Moon. His progressed 12th house of the subconscious, prisons and mental institutions, holds 5 planets: Neptune, Mars, Venus, Chiron and Jupiter-on-the-cusp of the Ascendant, so there’s a 50/50 chance of impeachment… “YES” if Jupiter stays contained in the 12th house, or “NO” if it activates his Ascendant, making him “lucky”. However, his progressed 10th house of “the Presidency” is almost as busy with 4 planets: Pluto/Mercury (vile accusations) and Sun/Moon (new beginnings) in Virgo at 3 degrees, indicating a potential increase in humility. This degree means “protection is available”, but if Trump expects others to do all the “heavy lifting” for him, he may become the “victim”. If Trump can change favorably, he will be protected. Meanwhile, his progressed Saturn/progressed Midheaven conjunction indicates that governing will become tedious for him. His progressed Uranus is on his progressed North Node, meaning that major karmic change is coming. So he probably won’t be re-elected and he may be impeached, but it all depends on his own actions and decisions.